Simple way to check for api key in Web API ASP.NET Core

一曲冷凌霜 提交于 2020-04-16 03:27:28


I'd like to simply check for an Api Key — sent up in the Authorization header — prior to allowing certain Web API endpoints from getting hit. For the sake of this question, let's assume the ApiKey is 12345. I just want to check the value of this Api Key prior to reaching the specific action method. I can't figure out whether or not this calls for a custom AuthorizeAttribute or an action filter.


Simply, I make a request GET with header is Authorization: apiKey 12345

The authorization attribute implementation look like below:

public class AuthorizationFilterAttribute : Attribute, IAuthorizationFilter
    public void OnAuthorization(AuthorizationFilterContext context)
        var apiKey = context.HttpContext.Request.Headers["Authorization"];

        if (apiKey.Any())
            // this would be your business
            var subStrings = apiKey.ToString().Split(" ");
            if (!(subStrings.Length >= 2 && subStrings[0] == "apiKey" && subStrings[1].Any()))
                context.Result = new NotFoundResult();
            context.Result = new NotFoundResult();

In this code sample, apiKey is subStrings[1]

