Is it possible to enable rules only for specific keyboard layout (karabiner)?

五迷三道 提交于 2020-03-04 15:37:46


On Karabiner I am enabling multiples rules under its complex modifications setup, such as Emacs key bindings.

I was wondering is it possible to use those enables rules only for a specific keyboard layout such as U.S. and automatically disable those rules when I switch to an another keyboard layout.


It's not possible to turn existing imported rules to be device specific. However if you make or modify those rules you can.

The gist of how to make your own rules is making a json file inside


You can name the json file whatever you want. you can even symlink it from another place if you prefer.

So if you have a rule you want to make device specific, copy paste it inside your json file and modify it from type: "basic" to to type: "device_if" and fill up your device id etc. which you can get from the Karabiner EventViewer app under devices tab.

