Calculate angle of triangle Python

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2020-03-01 03:21:07


I'm trying to find out the angle of the triangle in the following, I know it should be 90 degrees, however I don't know how to actually calculate it in the following:

Here's what I've tried:

angle = math.cos(7/9.899)
angleToDegrees = math.degrees(angle)

returns: 43.XX

What am I doing wrong?


It's a little more compicated than that. You need to use the law of cosines

>>> A = 7
>>> B = 7
>>> C = 9.899
>>> from math import acos, degrees
>>> degrees(acos((A * A + B * B - C * C)/(2.0 * A * B)))

This is accurate to 4 significant figures. If you provide a more precise value of C, you get a more accurate result.

>>> C=9.899494936611665
>>> degrees(acos((A * A + B * B - C * C)/(2.0 * A * B)))


i think you're looking for math.acos not math.cos, you want to return the angle whose value is the ratio of those two sides. not take its cosine.


Trig functions will convert an angle into a length of a certain leg of a certain triangle. In particular, the tangent is the ratio of the opposite side to the adjacent side. math.tan(7/7) is the length of the right triangle opposite an angle of 1(=7/7) radian. This length (~1.557) just happens to be near to the number of radians which is 90 degrees (pi/2 ~ 1.571).

As noted, you're looking for an inverse trig function to convert a length back into an angle.


use this:

import math
AB = float(input())
BC = float(input())

print(str(int(round(math.degrees(math.atan2(AB, BC)))))+'°')


You can use this also.


This accepts two inputs as two heights of the triangle and you can get the output angle in proper degree format.

