What is the reason for `std::result_of` deprecated in C++17?

天大地大妈咪最大 提交于 2019-11-27 16:01:40


I saw std::result_of is being deprecated in C++17.

  • What is the reason for std::result_of deprecated in C++17?
  • Also I would like to know the difference between std::result_of and std::invoke_result.


T.C. already provided the obvious link, but perhaps the most horrific reason bears repeating: result_of involved forming the type F(Arg1, Arg2, ...) not for a function of those types returning F but for a function of type F accepting those types. (After all, the return type is the result of, well, result_of, not the input!)

Aside from the adjustments associated with forming the function type, the only difference between the two is syntactic.



I'm totaly with you concerning the lack of example on the cppreference page. Here's my take:

auto add_auto_fn(int a, int b) {
    return a + b;

template<typename U, typename V>
auto add_auto_template_fn(U a, V b) {
    return a + b;

int fortytwo(int a, int b) { return a + 42; }

struct my_functor{
    auto operator() (int a) { return a + 42; }

void test_invoke_result()
        // For functions and auto function: use < decltype(&f), Args... >
        using T = std::invoke_result< decltype(&fortytwo), int, int>::type;
        static_assert(std::is_same<T, int>::value, "");
        // For templated auto functions: use < decltype(&f)<Args...>, Args... >
        using T = std::invoke_result< decltype(&add_auto_template_fn<int, double>), int, double>::type;
        static_assert(std::is_same<T, double>::value, "");
        // For simple lambdas: use < decltype(lambda), Args... >
        auto simple_lambda = [](int a) {  return a + 42; };
        using T = std::invoke_result< decltype(simple_lambda), int>::type;
        static_assert(std::is_same<T, int>::value, "");
        // For generic lambdas: use < decltype(lambda), Args... >
        auto generic_lambda = [](auto a) {  return a + 42; };
        using T = std::invoke_result< decltype(generic_lambda), double>::type;
        static_assert(std::is_same<T, double>::value, "");
        // For functors: use < functor, Args... >
        using T = std::invoke_result< my_functor, int>::type;
        static_assert(std::is_same<T, int>::value, "");


void test_result_of()
        // For functions and auto function: use < decltype(&f)(Args...) >
        using T = std::result_of< decltype(&fortytwo)(int, int)>::type;
        static_assert(std::is_same<T, int>::value, "");
        // For templated auto functions: use < decltype(&f<Args...>)(Args...) >
        using T = std::result_of< decltype(&add_auto_template_fn<int, double>)(int, double)>::type;
        static_assert(std::is_same<T, double>::value, "");
        // For simple lambdas: use < decltype(lambda)(Args...) >
        auto simple_lambda = [](int a) {  return a + 42; };
        using T = std::result_of< decltype(simple_lambda)(int)>::type;
        static_assert(std::is_same<T, int>::value, "");
        // For generic lambdas: use < decltype(lambda)(Args...) >
        auto generic_lambda = [](auto a) {  return a + 42; };
        using T = std::result_of< decltype(generic_lambda)(double)>::type;
        static_assert(std::is_same<T, double>::value, "");
        // For functors: use < functor(Args...) >
        using T = std::result_of< my_functor(int)>::type;
        static_assert(std::is_same<T, int>::value, "");


