Ember-CLI on Apache TOMCAT

↘锁芯ラ 提交于 2020-02-02 06:03:53


I am trying to load my ember-cli inbuilt server application on Apache tomcat.

I built my application in production mode using

ember build --environment production

I moved the files in my /dist folder to my apache tomcat /webapps folder started my apache server but when i go to the URL: "localhost:8081/index.html"

The page is blank although the it works perfect with the inbuilt server. Using Ember inspector i can see the routes that are defined but not able to view any output.

I followed this guide http://thetechcofounder.com/getting-started-with-ember-js-using-ember-cli/#= to create my ember-cli application any help would be great.


  1. Inside config/environment.js file, there is a property called locationType. Set its value to hash

  1. Also, manually moving files from your /dist folder is not cool. ;) Instead, you can specify an output-path property in your .ember-cli with the location inside webapps you are trying to move the files to.

