Resolve conflicting package names in Python

元气小坏坏 提交于 2020-01-30 03:54:48


Let's say we have two different Python packages from the same vendor, named with the same name -- foo. One is installed with pip and can be found in the /usr/lib/python/site-packages/foo directory, the second one is a system-wide dependency which you install with e.g. apt-get and the Python package ends up in /usr/lib/some-vendor-sdk/foo. Local and global foo do different things and I need them both to be importable in my source code, but I can only import one:

$ python
>>> import foo
>>> foo.__path__

Is there a way to make both packages importable in my code? It'd be fine to alias one of them somehow, I just don't know a technical way to do it. Any suggestions?

