Complement subset in Matlab [duplicate]

為{幸葍}努か 提交于 2020-01-21 23:01:18


In R, I can do the following:

v <- 11:20

and get 11 12 13 16 17 18 19 20, thus all indices except the 4th and 5th.

Is there an equivalent in Matlab's indexing logic?

However I wrap my mind around it, I do not seem to get the correct search terms to google my own result for this fairly elementary question.

Note: Of course I might use some of the set functions, e.g.

v = 11:20;
v(setdiff(1:length(v), 4:5))

However, this just is not intuitive.


An alternative is to simply remove the elements from the array:

u = v;
u(4:5) = [];

I'm using a temporary variable since I don't know if it's acceptable to modify the original array v or not.


I don't think there is an elegant way, but a more performant might be

v = rand(1,10);
sel = true(1, numel(v));
sel( 4:5 ) = false;
v = v( sel );

