WindowsError [error 5] Access is denied

久未见 提交于 2019-11-27 13:30:47

I solved a similar problem I had by switching to the process directory (I was trying to use inkscape) and it solved my problem

import subprocess
inkscape_dir=r"C:\Program Files (x86)\Inkscape"
assert os.path.isdir(inkscape_dir)

Maybe switching to the process directory will work for you too.

What I found when running into this with the subprocess module is that the first entry in 'args' (the first parameter to subprocess.Popen()) needed to be just the executable name with no path and I needed to set executable in the argument list to the full path of my executable.

app = 'app.exe'
appPath = os.path.join(BIN_DIR, app)

commandLine = [app, 'arg1', 'arg2']
process = subprocess.Popen(commandLine, executable=appPath)

Make sure that your paths include the name of the executable file (inkscape.exe)

Alternatively, if your module doesn't work, you can use the «subprocess» module:

import subprocess, os, time

process = subprocess.Popen("somecommand", shell=True)
n = 0
while True:
    if not process.poll():
        print('The command is running...')
        if n >= 10:
            pid =
            os.kill(pid, 9) # 9 = SIGKILL
        print('The command is not running..')
    n += 1

Do you specify full path to executable you are passing to Popen (the first item in argv)?
