Terminating a uwsgi worker programmatically

独自空忆成欢 提交于 2020-01-16 20:10:12


In my application I need to "simulate" a HTTP timeout. Simply put, in this scenario:

client -> myapp -> server

client makes a HTTP POST connection to myapp which forwards it to server. However, server does not respond due to network issues or similar problems. I am stuck with an open TCP session from client which I'll need to drop.

My application uses web.py, nginx and uwsgi.

I cannot return a custom HTTP error such as 418 I am a teapot - it has to be a connection timeout to mirror server's behaviour as closely as possible.

One hack-y solution could be (I guess) to just time.wait() until client disconnects but this would use a uwsgi thread and I have a feeling it could lead to resource starvation because a server timeout is likely to happen for other connections. Another approach is pointed out here however this solution implies returning something to client, which is not my case.

So my question is: is there an elegant way to kill a uwsgi worker programmatically from python code?

So far I've found

  • set_user_harakiri(N) which I could combine with a time.sleep(N+1). However in this scenario uwsgi detects the harakiri and tries re-spawning the worker.
  • worker_id() but I'm not sure how to handle it - I can't find much documentation on using it
  • A suggestion to use connection_fd() as explained here
  • disconnect() which does not seem to do anything, as the code continues and returns to client
  • suspend() does suspend the instance, but NGINX returns the boilerplate error page

Any other idea?


Turns out it's more complicated than that. If I just close the socket or disconnect from uwsgi the nginx web server detects a 'server error' and returns a 500 boilerplate error page. And, I do not know how to tell nginx to stop being so useful.


The answer is a combination of both.

  1. From the python app, return 444
  2. Configure nginx as explained on this answer i.e. using the uwsgi_intercept_errors directive.

