Sort order of blob list in Azure

邮差的信 提交于 2020-01-15 10:42:47


The List Blobs article on MSDN says that:

Blobs are listed in alphabetical order in the response body, with upper-case letters listed first.

However, alphabetical ordering depend on which culture they're using, or is there a precise meaning of alphabetical order that they are implicitly referring to?

I want to know the exact ordering scheme. I'm guessing (and hoping) that they are using the ordinal (binary) sorting rules, equivalent to StringComparison.Ordinal in .NET.


Yes , you are right. It equals to StringComparison.Ordinal in .NET. All of the listed blobs are all encoded in UTF-16.And the list blob name rule is that comparing the 2 strings char by char. The small Unicode value is before the large one. It is the same rule with StringComparison.Ordinal in .NET.

