Converting a sorted doubly linked list to a BST

末鹿安然 提交于 2020-01-14 05:59:06


How can a sorted doubly linked list be converted to a balanced binary search tree.

I was thinking of doing this the same way as converting an array to a balanced BST. Find the centre and then recursively convert the left part and the right part of the DLL. For example,

1 2 3 4 5 => 1 2 (3) 4 5 =>

   /   \
  2     4
 /       \
1         5

This is leads to the recurrence T(n) = 2T(n/2) + O(n). O(n) is for finding the centre. The time complexity is therefore O(nlogn). I was wondering if there is an algorithm that does this in O(n).


Yes there is O(n) solution. Note that an in-order traversal on a BST, is iterating the elements in the desired order, so just do an inorder traversal on an initially empty tree of size n, and fill it with elements in the list. [The i'th element you insert to the tree in your traversal, is the i'th element in the list].
At the end of the answer I added how to create an empty balanced tree in O(n).

pseudocode: [assuming |list| == |tree|]

global current <- null
  current <- list.head
  if tree == null:
  //in-order traversal: we set the value after setting left, and before calling right
  tree.val <- current.val
  current <-

Complexity is trivially O(n), since there is excactly one iteration for each vertex of the tree, and each iteration is O(1).

You can create an empty balanced tree, by simply building an empty complete tree(*), it is balanced and building it is O(n).

(*)A complete binary tree is a binary tree in which every level, except possibly the last, is completely filled.


almost 4 years late. but here comes my functional solution. following is my code in haskell, complexity is also O(n):

import Data.List hiding (insert)

data Color = R | B deriving Show
data RBTree a = RBEmpty | RBTree { color :: Color
                                 , ltree :: RBTree a
                                 , nod   :: a
                                 , rtree :: RBTree a } deriving Show

fromOrdList ::  Ord e => [e] -> RBTree e
fromOrdList [] = empty
fromOrdList lst = 
    let (res, _) = _fol lst $ length lst
    in res
    where _fol :: (Ord e, Integral a) => [e] -> a -> (RBTree e, Maybe (e, [e]))
          _fol l 0            = (empty, uncons l)
          _fol (h:l) 1        = (RBTree B empty h empty, uncons l)
          _fol (h1:h2:l) 2    = (RBTree B (RBTree R empty h1 empty) h2 empty, uncons l)
          _fol (h1:h2:h3:l) 3 = (RBTree B (RBTree R empty h1 empty) h2 (RBTree R empty h3 empty), uncons l)
          _fol l n            =
            let mid                  = n `div` 2
                (ltr, Just (rt, tl)) = _fol l mid
                (rtr, mayremain)     = _fol tl (n - 1 - mid)
in (RBTree B ltr rt rtr, mayremain)

which is actually a part of my personal practise:


Look at my implementation of recursive insertion (c#). There are T(n) = 2*T(n/2) + O(1). O(1) is for finding the centre: (l+r)/2. So complicity is O(n)

public class Tree<T>
    public class TreeNode<T>
      public TreeNode<T> Right { get; set; }
      public TreeNode<T> Left { get; set; }
      public T Data { get; set; }

    public Tree()
      Root = new TreeNode<T>();

    public TreeNode<T> Root { get; set; }

    private void InsertSortedListRec(IList<T> items, TreeNode<T> curNode, int l, int r)
      var mid = (l + r)/2;
      curNode.Data = items[mid];

      if (mid - 1 >= l)
        curNode.Left = new TreeNode<T>();
        InsertSortedListRec(items, curNode.Left, l, mid - 1);

      if (mid + 1 <= r)
        curNode.Right = new TreeNode<T>();
        InsertSortedListRec(items, curNode.Right, mid + 1, r);

    public void InsertSortedList(IList<T> items)
      InsertSortedListRec(items, Root, 0, items.Count - 1);

I assume that we have indexed array (we can convert linked list to array O(n))

