Can Delphi only use a .dll if required?

烈酒焚心 提交于 2020-01-10 03:59:25


I have added these two methods to the 1st unit of my Delphi 5 application.

function Inp(PortAddress: Integer): Integer; stdcall; external 'inpout32.dll' name 'Inp32';

procedure Output(PortAddress, Value: Integer); stdcall; external 'inpout32.dll' name 'Out32';

However I don't want to have to issue the inpout32 library with the software unless they explicitly need it. Currently the program says "Not Found" upon executing unless they're present in the root or System32.

Users will only call these methods if they have a specific option set, but this is not gathered from the .ini file until after the inpout library is used.

Is there a way to only use this library when required like some components do, rather than declaring it the way I have?


In Delphi versions prior to 2010, you have to use classic dynamic loading. Consider this typical (and simple) example calling the Beep function from Kernel32.dll (which you should not hardcode the path to in real code, of course!):

  TBeepFunc = function(dwFreq: DWORD; dwDuration: DWORD): BOOL; stdcall;

procedure TForm4.FormClick(Sender: TObject);
  lib: HMODULE;
  prc: TBeepFunc;

  lib := LoadLibrary('C:\WINDOWS\System32\Kernel32.dll');
  if lib = 0 then RaiseLastOSError;
    @prc := GetProcAddress(lib, 'Beep');
    if Assigned(prc) then
      prc(400, 2000)
      ShowMessage('WTF? No Beep in Kernel32.dll?!');


This facility, known as delay loading, was added in Delphi 2010.

Using your code as an example you could write your import like this:

function Inp(PortAddress: Integer): Integer; stdcall; 
    external 'inpout32.dll' name 'Inp32' delayed;

The binding to this external function will be performed only when the function is first called. If the binding fails then an exception is raised at runtime.

You can use SetDliNotifyHook and SetDliFailureHook to customise the delay loading behaviour should you need even more fine-grained control.

Some blog articles to supplement the product documentation:

  • Allen Bauer: Procrastinators Unite… Eventually!
  • Allen Bauer: Exceptional Procrastination
  • Dr. Bob: Delphi 2010 Delayed Dynamic Link Libraries

On older versions of Delphi you can use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. Or, if you want something a little slicker I can heartily recommend Hallvard Vassbotn's delay load class which he describes in this blog article. This code wraps up all the boiler plate of calling LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress and is only slightly more cumbersome to use than the new Delphi 2010 built-in feature.

I successfully used Hallvard's library for many years. One minor word of caution is that it is not threadsafe so if multiple threads attempt to bind to a function at the same time then the code can fail. This is easy enough to fix by adding internal locks to Hallvard's code.

