
break condition to OR and AND operators in an IF Statement

佐手、 提交于 2021-02-20 17:03:00
问题 The If statement and any other boolean comparison is smart enought to stop at first FALSE value when evaluating A and B and C and D and at first TRUE value when evaluating A or B or C or D . What is the name of this behavior? Is this a compiler optimization? If so, there is a way to disable it with some compiler directive? 回答1: This is called 'boolean short-circuit evaluation', a form of 'lazy evaluation'. You can tell the compiler either to use or not to use this feature using compiler

break condition to OR and AND operators in an IF Statement

青春壹個敷衍的年華 提交于 2021-02-20 17:00:10
问题 The If statement and any other boolean comparison is smart enought to stop at first FALSE value when evaluating A and B and C and D and at first TRUE value when evaluating A or B or C or D . What is the name of this behavior? Is this a compiler optimization? If so, there is a way to disable it with some compiler directive? 回答1: This is called 'boolean short-circuit evaluation', a form of 'lazy evaluation'. You can tell the compiler either to use or not to use this feature using compiler

ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC项目实战

与世无争的帅哥 提交于 2021-02-20 08:58:18
一、前言 毕业后入职现在的公司快有一个月了,公司主要的产品用的是C/S架构,再加上自己现在还在学习维护很老的delphi项目,还是有很多不情愿的。之前实习时主要是做.NET的B/S架构的项目,主要还是用的那种传统的开发模式,只有一个项目用到了Web API,自己负责后端的接口功能实现。既然现在没办法改变现状,那就先改变自己吧。定了个计划,下班后慢慢的开始学习ASP.NET Core Web API和Vue,准备从前端到后端自己写一个小项目玩玩,毕竟代码这个东西,时间长了是会忘的。 嗯,有点扯远了。这个MVC项目是我的毕业设计,虽然写的比较烂,而且当时为了赶紧写完,代码的冗余程度有点高,但还是希望能给一些准备入门ASP.NET Core MVC的童鞋提供些借鉴吧。代码我放到Github上了,源码地址,欢迎大神们拍砖,指出不足处。 二、项目介绍 毕业论文的课题是一个大学生的一个报名系统,主要是为了完成大学生报名过程中的一些数据维护,当然最后因为实在来不及了,好多都没做。。。项目主要使用到的相关技术如下所示: 项目框架:ASP.NET Core 2.0 MVC ORM:Entity Framework Core(使用Code First) 数据库引擎:MySQL SERVER 5.7 权限验证

What is the purpose of TWorkStealingQueue and how to use it?

给你一囗甜甜゛ 提交于 2021-02-20 06:13:35
问题 I am working on a program to migrate files from potentially big directory structures and many of them (approx. 1 million). My migration code already works quite well, and I am using a class to iterate to the directory structure, identify the files to migrate them sequentially one after another. Now I want to make better use of the available CPU resources of the targeted machine, and do those migrations asynchronously grabbing threads from a System.Threading.TThreadPool to execute these. I

Word文档开发处理工具Aspose.Words v21.2发布!(含新功能演示)

旧街凉风 提交于 2021-02-19 12:04:55
Aspose.Words for .Net是一种高级Word文档处理API,用于执行各种文档管理和操作任务。API支持生成,修改,转换,呈现和打印文档,而无需在跨平台应用程序中直接使用Microsoft Word。2021 年2月更新来啦,.NET版Aspose.Words更新至v21.2新版本! 主要特点如下: 实现了API以操纵Font对象的主题属性。 添加了在保存时更新CreatedTime属性的选项。 使用新的CustomTimeZoneInfo选项扩展了SaveOptions。 使用新的SmartParagraphBreakReplacement选项扩展了FindReplaceOptions类。 提供了从COM应用程序中的IStream对象加载文档的功能。 >>你可以 下载 Aspose.Words for .NET v21.2测试体验。 具体更新内容 关键 概括 类别 WORDSNET-21363 支持为LINQ Reporting Engine动态添加组合框和下拉列表项 新功能 WORDSNET-6146 允许从OLE对象提取可见的纯文本 新功能 WORDSNET11848 添加保存选项以模仿MS Word行为或不模仿创建,修改和打印日期 新功能 WORDSNET-6125 添加选项以将文档中的图像导出为SVG格式的HTML 新功能 WORDSNET-10148

Delphi Android READ_PHONE_STATE not triggering

最后都变了- 提交于 2021-02-19 08:57:25
问题 I manage to get runtime permission for READ_PHONE_STATE but app doesn't react to phone state changes at all. I have also in manifest file READ_PHONE_STATE enabled. Have tried with 3 Android phones but all fail to track state changes. With iOS i manage to get READ_PHONE_STATE working with same code as i have tried with Android, but in iOS Apple has deprecated showing caller phone number. uses System.Permissions; {$R *.fmx} constructor TForm1.Create(AOwner: TComponent); const

How to Install DBMonitor

断了今生、忘了曾经 提交于 2021-02-19 07:27:35
问题 This is probably a really simple question, but here it is. I just renewed my license for the DevArt DBExpress driver for Firebird. The help file says I can use their freeware DBMonitor application with it but since I am using D2006, I have to use these instructions: "If you are Delphi Pro version user, then you don't have TSQLMonitor component installed on the palette, but it is included in SQLExpr.pas unit and you need to install it on the components palette manually." I can create an

Android and Application.ProcessMessages

*爱你&永不变心* 提交于 2021-02-19 06:34:05
问题 i have application where I'm using form as message box, in this "message box" i run thread that changing messages on it and after thread finish, on message box i show buttons, only after clicking on button code can continue var FStart: TFStart; VariableX:Boolean; implementation uses UApp,UMess; {$R *.fmx} procedure TFStart.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin VariableX:=false; { There i show window and start thread after finish thread set VariableX as true and close form } // There i need to

How to set event handlers via new RTTI? [D2010]

╄→гoц情女王★ 提交于 2021-02-19 03:19:29
问题 Playing with new RTTI module, I couldn't find a way to set an event handler with the new utilities. Trying something like this: LProp := TRttiContext.Create.GetType(Form1.ClassInfo).AsInstance.GetProperty('OnClick'); LProp.SetValue(Form1, {a TValue!}); SetValue needs a TValue passed but I've yet to find a way to represent a TMethod via a TValue. Any comments? ps. And a side question.. It seems prefixing RTTI variables with "L" is a convention (and a good one IMO, meta code turns into a puzzle

How to set event handlers via new RTTI? [D2010]

巧了我就是萌 提交于 2021-02-19 03:19:19
问题 Playing with new RTTI module, I couldn't find a way to set an event handler with the new utilities. Trying something like this: LProp := TRttiContext.Create.GetType(Form1.ClassInfo).AsInstance.GetProperty('OnClick'); LProp.SetValue(Form1, {a TValue!}); SetValue needs a TValue passed but I've yet to find a way to represent a TMethod via a TValue. Any comments? ps. And a side question.. It seems prefixing RTTI variables with "L" is a convention (and a good one IMO, meta code turns into a puzzle