Error: firebase code = 9999 Too many requests

泄露秘密 提交于 2020-01-04 09:53:23


Im working on an ios home automation app that uses Nest API and Firebase. I started getting this error after changing up the FirebaseManager subscription init method by basically commenting out dispatch_once block (I wanted to see if I could run it more than once):

+ (FirebaseManager *)sharedManager
    static dispatch_once_t once;
    static FirebaseManager *instance;

    dispatch_once(&once, ^{
        instance = [[FirebaseManager alloc] init];

    return instance;

Now, even when I revert the code, Im still getting the error below when trying to make calls to the api. Any ideas as to how I can fix my app?

[Firebase] runTransactionBlock: at /devices/thermostats/zbb45BqLd3zfONS5MJ8j3-ybQnsbt5zx failed: blocked 2015-01-07 15:19:45.157 Home Automation[7370:1886751] Error: Error Domain=com.firebase Code=9999 "Too many requests" UserInfo=0x17026fa00 {NSLocalizedDescription=Too many requests}


In order to protect the HVAC units and the battery life of the thermostat, Nest restricts the number of calls to the API. Please see the following for a description of the rate limits.

