How to create a user record using factory girl and cucumber?

对着背影说爱祢 提交于 2020-01-04 06:49:27


I have never used factory girl and I started testing from this week so all this new stuff just making me crazy. Can anyone explain me a simple way to create a record using factory girl.

Here is the use case. I already created a test using cucumber where it creates a user and also create other records like account, user categories. Now I am writing second test case where I say there should be no test data(I can use data created from first test but dont want dependency from other test cases.). So I want to use factory girl to create a user for me and associated user records. Here my test which works without using factory girl.

Feature: Managing users parent child relationships
  In order to use portal
  I want to create parent child relationships

  Scenario:  Creating a child user 
    Given I am on the homepage

    When I attempt to sign in with following user account:
      | email address         | password |
      |   | password |

    Then I should see "" message on page
    When I follow "All Child Users"
    Then I should see "Add Sub Child"
    When I click "Add Sub Child"
    Then I should see "Child Sub User"
    And I fill in "Email" with ""
    And I select "Medium" from "user_filter"
    And I choose "abc_id_yes"
    When I press "Create Child User"
    Then I should see "Child User is successfully created."
    And appropriate records should get created for the child user for new abc_id

And in step definition I have code like

Then(/^appropriate records should get created for the child user for new abc_id$/) do
  parent_user = User.find_by_email("")
  user = User.find_by_email("")
  account = Account.find_by_user_id(parent_user)
  user.default_filter_level.should be_true
  user.ar_id.should be_true
  user.parent_id.should ==
  filter = Filter.find_by_user_id(
  filter.user_id.should ==
  filter.abc_id.should be_true
  filter.account_id.should ==

So how I can achieve same result using factory girl which will also create a associated records. Thanks


You are true that other tests should not depend on this one. For other scenarios, add a Given an user with other models exists step with the following definition:

Given(/^an user with other models exists$/) do
  parent = FactoryGirl.create(:user)
  user = FactoryGirl.create(:user, email: "" parent_id: parent)
  account = FactoryGirl.create(:account, user_id:
  FactoryGirl.create(:filter, user_id:, account_id:

In spec/factories/users.rb (you specify the default attribute values, but you can override them in the FactoryGirl.create() call):

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :user do
    email ""
    default_filter_level true
    ar_id true

In spec/factories/filters.rb:

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :filter do
    abc_id true

In spec/factories/accounts.rb (It's just an empty factory, you can specify the attributes you often need to have assigned.):

FactoryGirl.define do
  factory :account do


Note that in the last step in the scenario, you should not test whether the appropriate models are created:

And appropriate records should get created for the child user for new abc_id

Instead use something like this:

When I follow "All Child Users"
Then the page should have newly created child user

