Odd method behaviour with optional first hash parameter and keyword_args

点点圈 提交于 2020-01-02 05:40:41


I have the following method:

def test(first_param = nil, keyword_arg: nil)
  puts "first_param: #{first_param}"
  puts "keyword_arg: #{keyword_arg}"

All the following calls do what I expect them to do:

#=> first_param: something
#   keyword_arg:

test(nil, keyword_arg: :keyword_arg)
#=> first_param:
#   keyword_arg: keyword_arg

test({ first_param: :is_a_hash }, keyword_arg: :is_still_working)
#=> first_param: {:first_param=>:is_a_hash}
#   keyword_arg: is_still_working

But omitting the optional keyword_arg and passing a hash as first argument gives me an error:

test(first_param: :is_a_hash)
#=> test.rb:1:in `test': unknown keyword: first_param (ArgumentError)
#           from test.rb:12:in `<main>'

I'd expect it to set first_param to { first_param: :is_hash } and keyword_arg being nil.

It seems it is interpreting every hash as keyword arg:

test(keyword_arg: :should_be_first_param)
#=> first_param:
#   keyword_arg: should_be_first_param

This should have set first_param to { keyword_arg: :should_be_first_param }, leaving keyword_arg nil in my opinion.

Is this a parser bug or expected behaviour? Tested on ruby 2.3.0 and 2.2.4.

Edit: Making the first parameter mandatory and everything works like I'd expect to:

def test_mandatory(first_param, keyword_arg: nil)
  puts "first_param: #{first_param}"
  puts "keyword_arg: #{keyword_arg}"

test_mandatory(first_param: :is_a_hash)
#=> first_param: {:first_param=>:is_a_hash}
#   keyword_arg:

test_mandatory(keyword_arg: :should_be_first_param)
#=> first_param: {:keyword_arg=>:should_be_first_param}
#   keyword_arg:

I'd expect making a parameter optional does not change the way parameters are parsed.

I opened an issue on bugs.ruby-lang.org, then the devs can clear up whether it is intended like this or a side effect of kword args.


It's expected according to Marc-Andre Lafortune's reply:

This behavior may be surprising but it is intentional.

It boils down to giving priority to filling keyword arguments first instead of filling unnamed parameters. It is actually the only possible way to go. Among other things, think about the following example:

def foo(*rest, bar: 42)

If we don't prioritize named arguments first, then there is simply no way to specify a value for bar in this example!

So Ruby checks that:

  • after all mandatory unnamed arguments are filled
  • if the last remaining argument is hash-like
  • and all its keys are symbols
  • and the method called uses keyword arguments

=> then that parameter is used for keyword arguments.

Note the requirement on keys being symbols. This can yield even more surprising if you pass a hash with some keys that are not symbols:

def foo(a = nil, b: nil)
  p a, b
foo(:b  => 42) # => nil, 42
foo('b' => 42) # => {"b" => 42}, nil

