Accessing global variable in view using context processor in Django

北城以北 提交于 2019-12-30 09:32:49


Assuming I have a context processor:

def title(request):
   return {'titles': 'mytitle'}

I can access this variable in template as {{ titles }}.

But how can I do so in a view?

def myview(request):
    print request.titles

doesn't seem to work - 'WSGIRequest' object has no attribute 'titles'

Or maybe there is a better approach (than context processors) to have global variables accessible in both views and templates?

Thanks in advance.


Context processors aren't in any way global variables. They are simply functions that are run when a RequestContext is initiated, which add items to that context. So they're only available wherever you have a RequestContext, ie in a template.

Your examples don't really give a good idea of what variables you're looking to access. If it's just some constants you want to use everywhere, a good way is to define them somewhere central, say in, and import that module wherever you need it - plus use a context processor to add them to the context.


Add your context processor method path (folder.context_processor.application_context) to TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS.

in my case application_context is the method which i defined inside file and method "application_context" returns {'titles': 'mytitle'}

if you want to use "title" as global variable in views use it in this way

global_var = RequestContext(request).get("app_config")
titles = global_var.get("titles")
print titles 

The only advantage is "Same variable 'titles' will be visible for templates and also in your views"


If you need the data in your views, it's cleaner to use Middleware in conjunction with a Context Processor:

  1. Create a trivial custom middleware to store some data on the request object, say at request.x (example). Now you can access this in your views directly.
  2. Enable django.core.context_processors.request in your TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_PROCESSORS to have request.x accessible from your templates.

See my related question: Django: How to provide context to all views (not templates)?

