Shift operator in C prepends ones instead of zeros

好久不见. 提交于 2019-12-25 12:49:09


Here is the code:

#define u8 char
#define u32 unsigned int

typedef struct {
    //decoded instruction fields
    u8 cond; // Condition (f.ex. 1110 for always true)
    u8 instruction_code; // Is a constant since we only use branch
    u32 offset; // Offset from current PC
} dcdinst;

u8 mem[1024];

mem[0x0] = 0b11101010;

u8* instruction_addr = &mem[pc];

if (instruction_addr == NULL) {
    return false;

unsigned int first_part = instruction_addr[0];

// Here is the code that presents a problem:
// I try to get the upper part of the first byte
inst.cond = first_part >> 4;

first_part is the following byte: 11101010. inst.cond becomes 11111110, but I need it to be 00001110.

So, my actual problem is that I want to get the first 4 bits of my instruction which starts at the address instruction_addr. I tried to do so by using the right shift operator >> but the problem is that instead of prepending 0s to the left of the byte, it prepends 1s.

I found on stackoverflow that I first had to cast the value to a unsigned one, and that's what I did by using the variable first_part, but I still have the same problem. I don't understand why the shift seems to "see" my variable as a negative one while its type is specifically "unsigned".

Does anybody have an idea?


Your u8 type is using char without specifying signedness, which means it has undefined signedness. It's likely your compiler is using a signed char by default. Thus, you're subject to sign-extension during operations and during promotion.


#define u8 char
#define u32 unsigned int


typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef unsigned int u32;

(or use stdint.h types properly), and your storage should be actually unsigned.

Using typedefs also means the compiler is involved with this aliasing, it's not just a preprocessor text replacement, eliminating a class of subtle errors.

