PHP file_get_contents Maximum execution time exceeded (Cause of emotes?)

这一生的挚爱 提交于 2019-12-25 04:22:55


I started messing around with the Steam API a bit ago, and I made a simple site showing profile information using the GetPlayerSummaries method. It's been working great, right until some of my friends started adding iOS emotes in their name, which causes the following:

Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 300 seconds exceeded in file on line 137

This is what's on that line in the file:

public function getPlayerSummary($steamid) {
    $contents = file_get_contents( "".SteamAPI_APIKey."&steamids=".$steamid );
    $json = json_decode($contents, true);

    foreach($json['response']['players'] as $key => $value) {

(This is in a function, $steamid is defined when calling the function)

This should return (JSON):

"response": {
    "players": [
            "steamid": "_removed_",
            "communityvisibilitystate": 3,
            "profilestate": 1,
            "personaname": "_removed_ 👻",
            "lastlogoff": 1426734965,
            "profileurl": "",
            "avatar": "_removed_",
            "avatarmedium": "_removed_",
            "avatarfull": "_removed_",
            "personastate": 0,
            "realname": "_removed_",
            "primaryclanid": "_removed_",
            "timecreated": 1349251405,
            "personastateflags": 0,
            "loccountrycode": "DE"



But the "👻" in the personaname messes it up, as it works for everyone else without it :/ This is a ghost emote, same happens with another friend using a monkey emote in his name.

Would anyone have any idea how I could resolve this?


put following line at the top of php file,

ini_set("max_execution_time", 0);



If you're opening a URI with special characters, such as spaces, you need to encode the URI with urlencode().

