Activeresource, updating and merging

半城伤御伤魂 提交于 2019-12-24 19:07:04


I've run into a problem I'm not able to handle right now with an ActiveResource object that looks something like this:

            ["none", "none"]},
          {"default"=> [["all"], ["all"] ]},

Which us where it comes from an ActiveRecord model with field that is serialized as a hash. I feel as if I'm doing to much work to unpack that hash AND I can't seem to add to it and update the model. I mean I can add to it while toying with it but it takes something like:


which I'm having difficulty gettng back into the object and then which I want to update back where it came from.

So, I'm doing something I don't quite have a grasp of right now, perhaps in an awkward way. Suggestions?

I want to add a hash to hash field within an ActiveResource object to update a ActiveRecord object instance elsewhere, but can't quite at the moment.

