Adding data attribute in form:options, i.e., in options.tag

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-24 13:59:00


I have a list of objects in the pageContext and I want some of it's attribute in the data attribute of the option tag of select.

Below is the jsp code :

<form:select class="required chzn_a" disabled="${view}" path="" id="one">
    <form:option value="">Select</form:option>
    <form:options items="${objectList}" itemValue="id" itemLabel="name"/>

I want something like below :

However, below is what I am getting :


As far as I know the form:options tag does not support customization like this. Instead you can loop through the options yourself like this:

<form:select class="required chzn_a" disabled="${view}" path="" id="one">
    <form:option value="">Select</form:option>

    <c:forEach items="${objectList}" var="objectListEntry">
        <form:option value="${}" data-code="${objectListEntry.code}">${}</form:option>

The spring form tags implements the DynamicAttributes interface and all attributes not explicitly defined in the tld are added to the generated tag.

