Adding library in BlueJ

我是研究僧i 提交于 2019-12-24 12:51:46


I am wondering if there a way to add Referenced library in blueJ. In eclipse, you can add the referenced library by clicking Build Path>> add external jar. How can you do it in blueJ? It is because I would like to use other library such as javax.mail, hibernate, and also log4j in BlueJ.


I didn't find your question clear, but if you are asking about adding a library into Java we should use the keyword import. For example if i want to import the libraries and classes of all objects I use:


Hope you got your answer.


Go to Tools -> Preferences -> Libraries -> Add file Press OK and restart BlueJ you can now see that library is loaded.

"One of my favourite IDEs out there is BlueJ"
— James Gosling, creator of Java.


If you're looking for using those libraries in just one class - then you can move the .jar files into the same directory as the project file and then simply import them using:

import simpleIO.*;

However, if you are looking to import these libraries in multiple projects, it's better to reference the library locations rather than making copies in each BlueJ project.

Open "Preferences">"Libraries" - Then add the location where your classes are as a library path. Restart BlueJ - Now the selected libraries will now be available in all projects that you open.

