Can you look sample a texture in a vertex shader?

拟墨画扇 提交于 2019-12-24 02:13:10


In shader model 3.0, I'm pretty sure this was a no but I want to ask this anyway,

In shader model 5.0, can you sample a texture in a vertex shader?

If I want to make large amounts of supplementary information available per-vertex, what are my options?

Edit: Apparently it is possible to do a Vertex Texture Fetch, as done here, but when I try it in my hlsl shader model 5 program, I get the error

error X4532: cannot map expression to vs_5_0 instruction set


Yes, sampling a texture from a vertex shader is very easily done in Shader Model 5.0, using operator[ unint2 ] on any Texture2D object.

So for example, tex0 is a Texture2D object in a shader model 5 hlsl program:

Texture2D tex0 : register( t0 );

// in a vertex shader program
uint2 pos_xy = { 0, 1 } ;
texelColor = tex0[ pos_xy ] ;


YES, but you must use SampleLevel to sample. You can also load values directly from the texture using mytexture[xy_coord] or texture.Load(...) which provides values without 'sampling' (e.g. bilinear interpolation).

You can sample a texture in a vertex shader using the SampleLevel function, where you must also specify the mip-mapping level that you want to sample at. You can imagine that the Sample function uses the SampleLevel function internally, with the added benefit that the mip-mapping level is selected for you automatically by taking local derivatives of the texture coordinate lookup in screen space (this allows the GPU to select which mip level to use).

