Rails 3.2, saving serialized hash will not save number_with_delimiter()

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-23 02:28:50


It appears that in Rails 3.2.21, saving a serialized hash fails to save a value that comes from one specifc NumberHelper, helper.number_with_delimiter

In a Rails 3.2 app, in model Foo I have:

serialize :stuff, Hash

In the console:

f = Foo.create
f.stuff = { a: "aaaa", b: 1111, c: helper.number_with_delimiter(123456) }
=> {:a=>"aaaa", :b=>1111, :c=>"123,456"} # so far so good
=> {:a=>"aaaa", :b=>1111, :c=>123456} # c should be a STRING

It DOES work correctly with helper.number_to_currency().

And it works if I set c: String.new(helper.number_with_delimiter(123456)).

This is a Rails bug, or am I doing something wrong?


Yes, this is a Rails (ActiveSupport) bug that was eventually fixed in Rails 4.2.1. From the 4.2.1 release notes:

Fixed a roundtrip problem with AS::SafeBuffer where primitive-like strings will be dumped as primitives

When you use helper.number_with_delimiter, the resulting object looks and behaves like a String, but in reality it is an ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer.

helper.number_with_delimiter(123456).class # => ActiveSupport::SafeBuffer < String

When you use:

serialize :stuff, Hash

That means behind the scenes Rails is using YAML format to save the data to the database. There was a bug in SafeBuffer that caused SafeBuffers like "123" to be mistakenly converted to integers (i.e. 123) instead of remaining strings when saving and loading to/from YAML.

Again, this is now fixed as of Rails 4.2.1. You can see the fix here:


