Using a variable to store a knockout template

只谈情不闲聊 提交于 2019-12-22 23:23:53


New to knockout and loving it so far cut a 700 line jQuery mess into 150 lines. The one part I am not really liking is the templating. I want to be able to create a file similar to this

module.ViewModel.views = {
   'view1' : '<div data-bind="foreach: data">TEMPLATE</div>'

// in my view model set something like 
ViewModel.view1Template = module.ViewModel.views.view1;

// then in my html have
<div data-bind="template: view1Template()"></div>

I would like to be able to do this possibly with mustache if that matters but really I just want to add reusability to my templates not a fan of having them referenced by IDs directly in the html. The other reason I would like to do this is in my views folder I have other templates that use mustache but not knockout would like to keep my formatting consistent across all JS templates.


The answer below seems like currently the closest thing to what I want to do I did it slightly different

for (var view in module.views){
    var node = $("<script/>", {
        "type" : "text/html",
        "id" : view,
        "text" : module.views[view]


You can insert the elements into the DOM dynamically and apply the ko binding afterwards:

var html = $.parseHtml(module.ViewModels.views['view1'])[0];
ko.applyBindings(model, html);

Live demo

I just realized that I might have answered only half of your question. Sadly the template binding handler only accepts an element id as argument and no elements. This however is easy to fix by adding the templates to the DOM before applying the bindings:


<script id="templates" type="text/html"></script>

<div id="content" data-bind="template:"></div>


var templates = {
    answerList: '<ul class="answer-list" data-bind="template: { name:, foreach: answers }"></ul>',
    answer: '<div class="answer" data-bind="text: text"></div>'

// insert templates into DOM
for (var name in templates) {
    var html = templates[name];
    var element = document.createElement('div');
    $(element).append($.parseHTML(html)[0]); = 'tpl_' + name;
    templates[name] = element;

answerModel = {
    answers: [
        { text: 1 },
        { text: 42 },
        { text: 667 }
    templates: templates

ko.applyBindings(answerModel, $('#content')[0]);

Live demo


I just came up with a better solution to this problem. It no longer requires you to add a ".name" when specifying the template.


<script id="templates" type="text/html"></script>

<div id="content" data-bind="template: templates.answerList"></div>


var templates = {
    answerList: 'Answers: <ul class="answer-list" data-bind="template: { name: templates.answer, foreach: answers }"></ul>',
    answer: '<li class="answer" data-bind="text: text"></li>'

var templateIds = {};

for (var name in templates) {
    var id = 'tpl_' + name;
        .attr('id', 'tpl_' + name)
    templateIds[name] = id;

answerModel = {
    answers: [
        { text: 1 },
        { text: 42 },
        { text: 667 }
    templates: templateIds

ko.applyBindings(answerModel, $('#content')[0]);

Live demo


This attempt requires you to either pass the templates as model attribute or define templates at the global scope. You can also just write "tpl_" + ' which I find even more natural to use.

<div data-bind="template: 'tpl_answers'"></div>

If you do not want to put the script element containing the templates in the HTML just create it from the JavaScript as well.

