Intellij idea deprecated no strikeout/strikethrough

允我心安 提交于 2019-12-21 07:45:29


I'm using IntelliJ idea v12. When I import a project, there shows the strikeout/strikethrough line on the method which has the annotation @Deprecated, but I use alt+enter and disable. So, how can I re-active this feature? Thanks! I want to display that strikethrough!


Open Settings -> Type Inspections to go to inspection settings -> Type Deprecated to find out all deprecated related inspection settings -> Check Deprecated API usage.


IntelliJ had a bug in 2018.3, 2018.2.2 (182.4129.33). It was fixed in builds 191.65, 183.3691.

Setting in the .vmoptions fixes the problem.


In addition to Ionghua's answer .....

If you find that IntelliJ is still not striking out deprecated methods, even though you have enabled the inspection as above, check to make sure that your code is not ignoring deprecation warnings with @SuppressWarnings("deprecation").


In addition to longhua's answer... and vegemite4me...

Another possible source for this problem might be custom color themes.

If you are using a custom theme, make sure that it contains strikethrough. I was using monokai-sublime and there is no strikethrough for @Deprecated annotations. When I changed the color theme from monokai to darcula strikethrough worked as expected.


I found that the only thing that worked for me with version 2019.2 192.5728.98, runtime 11.0.3+12-b304.10 was to use Help | Edit VM Options and add

