How does Url.Action work MVC?

我只是一个虾纸丫 提交于 2019-12-21 03:47:20


This is somewhat related to another question I've asked but I figure why not ask it seperately.

If I were to place something like the following in a view

<td><img src='<%= Url.Action( "DisplayImage" , "User" , new { id =} ) %>' alt="" /></td>

Is it supposed to display this?

   <img src='/User.mvc/DisplayImage?id=U00915441' alt="" />

Or would the value of the src-attribute actually be replaced with the results of the UserController GetImage Action?


It will construct the path to the action, returning a url, not the results of executing the action.

The results will be:

   <img src='/User.mvc/DisplayImage?id=U00915441' alt="" />

Example code. assumes your user model has the image stored in a byte array. If you are using LINQ and the property is a Binary, then use the ToArray() method to convert it to a byte array. Note the attributes which will require that the user be logged in and using a GET request.

[AcceptVerbs( HttpVerbs.Get )]
public ActionResult DisplayImage( string id )
     var user = ...get user from database...

     return File( user.Image, "image/jpeg" );


