How do you enable word-wrap by default in Eclipse?

旧巷老猫 提交于 2019-12-20 08:03:28


Simple question: how do you enable word-wrap by default in Eclipse? I looked at this plugin but it only goes up to Luna. In addition, this plugin is a separate text editor and does not have syntax highlighting or validation. I'm open to other suggestions.


Word wrap is available in Eclipse Neon IDE:

Just consider using the latest version.

Shortcut: Alt+Shift+Y


As pointed out by @KrisWebDev in this answer, Eclipse supports soft line/word wrapping as of Eclipse Neon but the GUI to control this setting does not exist yet. There should be a global settings to enable soft word wrapping by default in any text editor in Window > Preferences > General > Editors > Text Editors > Enable Wordwrap and it is not there.

Instead, you have to manually edit the org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs file (.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.ui.editors.prefs) in your eclipse workspace. There, you can add the settings wordwrap.enabled=true.

