plone change in code not visible in development site

北城余情 提交于 2019-12-20 05:45:30


I am very new to plone. I have a project folder in eclipse. I have imported it from the cvs project. I have zope as server and I start zope with ./bin/instance restart. When I make changes in my folder, I cannot see the changes in the development website. I can't seem to find what is happening. I even restarted zope after making changes in python. Can anyone help me with this?


Make sure you start your Zope server with bin/instance fg, most likely the name of the script if you used the Plone universal installer buildout.

To see changes in python code you'll either need to restart the server (CTRL-C then start again) or use something like plone.reload to request a reload of changed code.

When starting your server with the fg command, it is automatically running in debug mode and any templates, resources and skin items are reloaded automatically. Start the server with console or start and it'll run in production mode and templates and such are loaded from disk only once.

See the documentation on buildout for more information.

The bin/instance command has a built-in help command, try:

bin/instance help

for a list of supported commands or run:

bin/instance help console

to get help on a specific command; the above example will print the help on the console command.

