PHP array_map trim + parameters

六月ゝ 毕业季﹏ 提交于 2019-12-19 09:08:11


I'm using array_map to trim all my array values but I need to pass a third parameter because I need to more than just trim whitespaces so I'm passing in a third parameter. Basically I want to trim all array values of whitespaces, single quotes, and double quotes.

I have a utility class where I created the function and it looks like this:

public function convertToArray($string, $trim = false) {
    $split = explode(",", $string);

    if($trim) {
        $split = array_map("trim", $split, array(" '\""));

    return $split;

Somehow I can't make this work though. I can still see double quotes in the result even though I followed the answer here.

I even tried

if($trim) {
    $split = array_map("trim", $split);
    $split = array_map("trim", $split, array("'"));
    $split = array_map("trim", $split, array('"'));

but I still get the same result.


array_map takes a function that takes only one parameter. If you want to map your array with trim() with subsequent parameters different from the default ones, you have to wrap it with an anonymous function:

$split = array_map(function($item) {
    return trim($item, ' \'"');
}, $split);


I think you would need to use an anonymous function for that :)

$split = array_map(function ($value) {
    return trim($value, " '\"");
}, $split);

Just because this was exactly the same as the other answer, here is an alternative. This approach could be useful if this is an operation you're going to need in many different places ;)

function trim_spaces_and_quotes($value) {
    return trim($value, " '\"");

$split = array_map('trim_spaces_and_quotes', $split);


I'd use array_walk, and you just have to append your additional characters to the existing defaults (from the docs):

array_walk($string_arr_to_trim, function (&$v) {
  $v = trim($v, " \t\n\r\0\x0B'\""); 

