How to specify any newable type in TypeScript?

痞子三分冷 提交于 2019-12-19 03:18:13


I tried with this but it doesn't work. Foo is just a test of what works. Bar is the real try, it should receive any newable type but subclasses of Object isn't valid for that purpose.

class A {

class B {
    public Foo(newable: typeof A):void {

    public Bar(newable: typeof Object):void {


var b = new B();
b.Bar(A); // <- error here


You can use { new(...args: any[]): any; } to allow any object with a constructor with any arguments.

class A {


class B {
    public Foo(newable: typeof A):void {


    public Bar(newable: { new(...args: any[]): any; }):void {


var b = new B();
b.Bar(A);  // no error
b.Bar({}); // error


If you want to enforce only certain newables, you can specify the constructor's return type

interface Newable {
  errorConstructor: new(...args: any) => Error; // <- put here whatever Base Class you want


declare class AnyError extends Error { // <- put here whatever Base Class you want
  // constructor(...args: any) // you can reuse or override Base Class' contructor signature

interface Newable {
  errorConstructor: typeof AnyError;


class NotError {}
class MyError extends Error {}

const errorCreator1: Newable = {
  errorConstructor: NotError, // Type 'typeof NotError' is missing the following properties from type 'typeof AnyError': captureStackTrace, stackTraceLimitts

const errorCreator2: Newable = {
  errorConstructor: MyError, // OK

