What are the purposes of vinyl-buffer and gulp-streamify in gulp?

你。 提交于 2019-12-18 14:12:30


As the documentation says, they both deal with transforming non-stream plugins to stream.

What I try to understand is, if I can use the .pipe() method on something, doesn't it mean it's a stream?

If so, what do I convert to what here?

vinyl-source-stream example:

(from: https://www.npmjs.com/package/vinyl-buffer)

var browserify = require('browserify')
var source = require('vinyl-source-stream')
var buffer = require('vinyl-buffer')
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
var size = require('gulp-size')
var gulp = require('gulp')

gulp.task('build', function() {
  var bundler = browserify('./index.js')

  return bundler.pipe()
    .pipe(buffer()) // <---------------------- why?

gulp-streamify example:

(from: https://www.npmjs.com/package/vinyl-source-stream)

var source = require('vinyl-source-stream')
var streamify = require('gulp-streamify')
var browserify = require('browserify')
var uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
var gulp = require('gulp')

gulp.task('browserify', function() {
  var bundleStream = browserify('index.js').bundle()

    .pipe(streamify(uglify())) // <----------- why?


One semi-useful example is to think about putting out a campfire with a bucket of water. To put out the fire you would want to completely fill up the bucket before dumping it on the fire rather putting a few drops in the bucket and then dumping lots of little drops over time on the fire. This metaphor doesn't capture everything but the big idea is this: you need a FULL bucket of water before you can put out the fire.

That "uglify" plugin works the same way. Imagine some enormous JS file you'd want to compress/uglify.

It will take a little bit of time to load the whole codebase & you definitely wouldn't want to try minifying each line as it comes in, right? Imagine you load a single line, minify it, load another line, minify it, etc etc-- it'd be a mess. You can't stream it (you need a full "bucket" of code before you can uglify it.) To uglify that file properly you'd need to load all that code first before attempting to uglify it.

Since Gulp is a "streaming" build system, you can't use uglify unless you have some mechanism to turn the stream into a buffer (& when it's done emit a stream.) Both tools you mention make this possible.

Here's the flow: STREAM > (BUFFER) > {perform some work on the whole "buffered" file} > STREAM > {other gulp work, etc }

To your specific question, you can use .pipe() because vinyl-buffer/gulp-streamify help "convert" streams to buffers then buffers to streams. They're different approaches to accomplish essentially the same thing.


As said, most plugins work with buffers (although some of them also support streams). Examples include gulp-uglify and gulp-traceur. You can do the conversion to buffers using gulp-buffer.

via https://medium.com/@webprolific/getting-gulpy-a2010c13d3d5

  • gulp-uglify dosen't support stream, so you should convert stream to buffer (example uses vinyl-buffer)

  • gulp-streamify can wrap old plugins to support streams(example uses gulp-uglify)

Different approaches but equally satisfactory results.


What I try to understand is if I can use the .pipe() method on something, doesn't it mean that it's a stream?

No, .pipe() can also pass buffers. this blog post explains it well:


Some gulp-* plugins works by taking in buffered vinyl files objects as input.
But vinyl-source-stream emits a streaming vinyl file object.

That’s where vinyl-buffer comes in. So we simply need to convert that to a buffered vinyl by using vinyl-buffer, like so


What I try to understand is if I can use the .pipe() method on something, doesn't it mean that it's a stream?

Yes! It is a stream. But it's a an object stream!

Instead of streaming a series characters, it streams a series of objects, which are the files that you sourced.

Each 'data' event in a gulp stream emits a Vinyl file object, which looks something like this:

  cwd: '/',              //<string>
  base: '/test/',        //<string>
  path: '/test/file.js', //<string>
  contents: contents     //<string> | <Buffer> | <stream.Readable>

So gulp-buffer plugin is a Transform stream that converts the file contents from stream.Readable to Buffer.

You can see this in the source, where it saves the original content stream on line 24 and assigns a Buffer as the new file contents on line 35.

Streamify does the same thing, on line 35 and line 48.

It's ok to leave the file contents as a Buffer after Uglify is done processing it. It's always ok for the contents to be a Buffer, gulp just doesn't do this when sourcing because it's too costly.

