Why does restoring Eclipse / Content Assist defaults not persist when Eclipse is closed and later re-opened?

雨燕双飞 提交于 2019-12-14 03:58:54


Working environment: Windows 10, Eclipse 2019-06 (v. 4.12.0)

A couple months ago I changed some of the settings at Window>Java>Editor>Content Assist>Advanced. After a few weeks I realized that the default settings worked better than my changes, so I clicked the ‘Restore defaults’ button and everything worked fine … so long as I never closed Eclipse. If I closed Eclipse (for example, yesterday) and opened it again (today), the settings do ..NOT.. reflect the defaults, but something else which I presume to be the changes I made.

I’ve been trying to solve this for the last month and nothing works. This ..SHOULD.. be a simple, straight forward process where clicking the ‘Restore defaults’ button does ..EXACTLY.. that, and that Eclipse remembers that action; but it doesn’t.

Any ideas on what I need to do in order to reset Content Assist to its default settings so that I don’t have to go through the tedious process of Window>Java>Editor>Content Assist>Advanced>Restore defaults every time I open Eclipse?


The restoring of the previous preferences might cause by the Oomph Preference Recorder which can be used to share preferences between workspaces, installations and even computers.

By default, recording and synchronizing of preferences are disabled:

  • Window > Preferences: Oomph > Setup Tasks > Preference Recorder
  • Window > Preferences: Oomph > Setup Tasks > Preference Synchronizer

Oomph can also be used to configure the IDE by running so called setup tasks which also might set preferences. In Window > Preferences: Oomph > Setup Tasks this can be turned off by checking the checkbox Skip automatic task execution on startup time.



You can also capture the current state of any preference.

Use Navigate -> Open Setup -> User and click on the "Capture Preferences" toolbar button.

This shows all instance scoped preferences and you can selectively choose which ones you want to capture as a preference task in the user.setup. Then you should be able to synchronize those with your account as well. Oomph plugin

