Webodf display odf from bytes

浪尽此生 提交于 2019-12-13 18:20:01


Is it possible for webodf to read a odf / odt file from its bytes? instead of an url?

Currently using:

var odfelement = document.getElementById("odf");
var odfcanvas = new odf.OdfCanvas(odfelement);


and would like something like



Yes, It is possible to read an odt file from byte Array and then load it in webodf editor.

  1. To do so ,you will have to use javascript blob objects to construct a file from a byte array(desired file in bytes format).

  2. Then you can get a temporary url for that blob object which is very similar to a file itself.The 'url' is temporary url created and stored in browser.

  3. Once you have the url for your file ( bytes => blob => getUrl ) then you can easily load the file in your webodf editor using 'openDocumentFromUrl' function.

  var file = new Blob([data], {type: mimeType});
  // data  => your bytes file
  // mimeType => the mimetype of file(odt : application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text)

  var myUrl= URL.createObjectURL(file);
  // get the temorary url from blob object.

  editor.openDocumentFromUrl(myUrl, function(){});

  // editor is the active webodf context object which you get when webodf context is created


We are using WebAPIs to push out the file stream. Seems you could setup a shim service to much the same? Else there might be some info to glean form the local editor (as it must do an upload of some form)?

Which I could help more, but I'm new to WebODF myself and thus far it's been a bit... obtuse ;)

