Q# Intellisense Errors

醉酒当歌 提交于 2019-12-13 17:46:21


I can build my Q# projects fine, but VS 2017 (v. 15.9.4) has the Intellisense errors code QS6103 of "No namespace with that name exists." for my first two "open" statements shown below. I have tried with both the "0.3.1811.1501" and "0.3.1811.2802" versions of the SDK and Canon.

 namespace Quantum.QSharpApplication1
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Primitive;
    open Microsoft.Quantum.Canon;

    operation HelloQ () : Unit {
        Message("Hello quantum world!");



What version of .NET Core do you have installed? (You can check using dotnet --version)

I ran into similar problems with Q# IntelliSense not recognizing library namespaces, with .NET Core 2.1.500 and 2.1.403, but with 2.1.402 it works fine. I had to uninstall the higher versions though.

