Magnolia Activation Module (version 5.1.0) Ensures that the key property '' is present in the Magnolia properties file

走远了吗. 提交于 2019-12-13 16:25:16


I have checked out the following example project ant tried to get it started with magnolia 5

I have updated maven dependencies, fixed a ton of exeptions and errors and my magnolia-empty-webapp pom.xml looks now like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
  <description>The basic Magnolia webapp on which projects can depend.</description>
        <!-- <version>5.2.4</version> -->

<!--       <version>4.3.1</version> -->

        <!-- these are the resources copied by the remote-resources-plugin -->
<!--             <fileset> -->
<!--               <directory>src/main/webapp/templates</directory> -->
<!--             </fileset> -->
              <!-- these are the resources copied by the remote-resources-plugin -->


Now when I start magnolia-empty-project, I come to the magnolia installation page. When I click on "Start installation", it comes the following message:


BTW if anyone runs into this issue, to get rid of it, go to WEB-INF/config/default/ and add something like:${magnolia.home}/WEB-INF/config/default/

Pls note that while this is fine for development, you should keep all the files, incl. the keys outside of the (exploded) war file for production use.

Also related (but off topic for the discussion) - you should not need to have DMS in your pom file. Magnolia 5 doesn't need DMS. It was replaced by DAM. Pom file above looks like generated by some old version of the archetype or copied from old project.

HTH, Jan



I think the problem here is that you are mixing up two different versions of Magnolia. You say you checked out the empty webapp tagged 4.3.1 and then made a lot of changes to it. Have you tried checking out a v5 webapp from the Git repository that replaces the SVN one?

Alternatively, you may find it easier to use the Maven archetypes.


here is the easiest way to get magnolia5 running with an empty-project:

