How can I add Disqus commenting to my Gollum wiki?

自古美人都是妖i 提交于 2019-12-12 13:26:03


I would like to use my Gollum Wiki (using aws & github) for a book project. I want to give each chapter its own page and let a circle of friends (and anyone) leave comments. I was expecting there to be a dozen how to pages for this already out there. But I can't find anything. I realize this usually means what I'm trying to do is a bad idea or can more easily be accomplished some other way.


The way I added Disqus comments was to simply add a mustache partial template ({{>comments}}) that contains the Disqus embed code, and then modified the stock page.template to reference it.

Finally, I copied all stock templates plus the new comments.mustache and modified page.mustache ones to a location of my choice and pointed Gollum to it via the template-dir option.

See also Gollum's issue #1222 and the Gollum installation guide I wrote for more details.

