Binding / piping output of run() on/into function in python3 (lynux)

拜拜、爱过 提交于 2019-12-12 05:58:02


I am trying to use output of external program run using the run function. this program regularly throws a row of data which i need to use in mine script I have found a subprocess library and used its run()/check_output()

def usual_process(): # some code here for i in subprocess.check_output(['foo','$$']): some_function(i)

Now assuming that foo is already in a PATH variable and it outputs a string in semi-random periods.
I want the program to do its own things, and run some_function(i)every time foo sends new row to its output.

which boiles to two problems. piping the output into a for loop and running this as a background subprocess Thank you

Update: I have managed to get the foo output onto some_function using This

with os.popen('foo') as foos_output:
    for line in foos_output:

According to this os.popen is to be deprecated, but I am yet to figure out how to pipe internal processes in python Now just need to figure out how to run this function in a background


SO, I have solved it. First step was to start the external script:
proc=Popen('./', stdout=PIPE, bufsize=1)

Next I have started a function that would read it and passed it a pipe

def foo(proc, **args):
       for i in proc.stdout:
         '''Do all I want to do with each'''


Limitations are: If your wish t catch scripts error you would have to pipe it in.
second is that it leaves a zombie if you kill parrent SO dont forget to kill child in signal-handling

