How to respond to click event with for WPF

你离开我真会死。 提交于 2019-12-11 18:59:35


I am writing a WPF program that uses GMapControl. I would like to allow the user to click on the map and add a marker where the user have clicked. I do not want to use the "MouseUp" and "MouseDown" events so that the event will only be caught when the user actually clicks the map and ignore drag and drop. Also, I would like to be able to catch stylus and touch events the same way. I noticed that there is no "click" event. Is there any other best practice to how this should be done?



It seems to be late but the way I did it is to create a collection which will handle the rendering of the polygons to the MapControl and the Events. First is to create a base class our polygons which could be extended.

public abstract class BasePolygon : GMapPolygon
    public BasePolygon() : base(new List<PointLatLng>())


    public virtual void Render(Map map)
        //code for displaying polygons on map goes here, basically

    public virtual void Derender(Map map)
        //code for removing polygons on map goes here, basically

And then create the collection which would act as a Layer that handle our polygons and it's events. It behaves like a ListBox or ListView which had the SelectedItem property and SelectionChanged event.

public abstract class BasePolygonList : List<BasePolygon>
    private BasePolygon SelectedItem_;
    public BasePolygon SelectedItem 
            return this.SelectedItem_;

            this.SelectedItem_ = value;

            //fire the event when a polygon is 'clicked'

    protected Map map;

    public BaseFactory(Map map)
    { = map;

    //The Event which will fire if a polygon is clicked
    public event EventHandler SelectionChanged = delegate { };
    public void OnSelectionChanged()
        if (this.SelectionChanged == null) return;

        this.SelectionChanged(this, new EventArgs());

    //Render our polygons on the Map Control
    public void Render()
        foreach(BasePolygon poly in this)
            //Draw the polygon on the map

            //Enable the HitTest of the polygon
            poly.Shape.IsHitTestVisible = true;

            //Attach the Click Event at the polygon
            ((FrameworkElement)poly.Shape).MouseDown += (sender, e) =>
                //Make sure that the Left Mouse Button is the one clicked 
                if(e.LeftButton == System.Windows.Input.MouseButtonState.Pressed)
                    //Set the the current polygon on the foreach as the Selected item
                    //It will also fire the SelectionChanged event
                    this.SelectedItem = poly;

Example Use

BasePolygonList polygonCollection = new BasePolygonList(MapControl);

//add your polygons here
//add your polygons here
//add your polygons here

//Display the polygons on the MapControl

//do something when a polygon is clicked
polygonCollection.SelectionChanged += (s,e) =>
  Console.WriteLine("A polygon is Clicked/Selected");
  //get the object instance of the selected polygon
  BasePolygon SelectedPoly = polygonCollection.SelectedItem;

Inheriting the Base Class

You could also inherit the BasePolygon class to suit your needs. For example

public class RealProperty : BasePolygon
    public string OwnerName { get; set; }
    public decimal Area { get; set; }
    public decimal MarketValue { get; set; }

Implementation of the Child Class

BasePolygonList RealPropertyCollection = new BasePolygonList(MapControl);

//create our polygon with data
//don't forget to add the vertices
RealProperty RealPropertyItem1 = new RealProperty()
   OwnerName = "Some Owner Name",
   Area = 1000,
   MarketValue = 650000

//Add the created polygon to the list

//Display the polygons on the MapControl

//do something when a polygon is clicked
RealPropertyCollection.SelectionChanged += (s,e) =>
  //get the object instance of the selected polygon
  RealProperty SelectedPoly = (RealProperty)RealPropertyCollection.SelectedItem;

  //Display the data
  Console.WriteLine("Owner Name: " + SelectedPoly.OwnerName);
  Console.WriteLine("Area: " + SelectedPoly.Area);
  Console.WriteLine("MarketValue : " + SelectedPoly.MarketValue );


You can get your answer from the following link

Click [here] (

Watch for CustomMarkerDemo.xaml.cs and add this to your program. This custom marker has click event required by you.


Well, if there is no Click event, you're going to have to handle MouseDown + MouseUp to detect clicks. Just store the e.Position in MouseDown, and in MouseUp, compare to make sure the mouse hasn't moved much:

private Point downPoint;

private void OnMouseDown(object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    downPoint = e.Position;

private void OnMouseUp(Object sender, MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    if (Math.Abs(downPoint.X - e.Position.X) < SystemParameters.MinimumHorizontalDragDistance &&
        Math.Abs(downPoint.Y - e.Position.Y) < SystemParameters.MinimumVerticalDragDistance)
        HandleClick(sender, e);

You'd need to do something similar for stylus and touch support.

