Chef Data Bags and dynamic variable passing

人走茶凉 提交于 2019-12-11 12:49:45


I am trying to figure out a way to get the below code work; I have tried various methods but the chef-client run breaks at the 3rd line.

lsf = "#{node[:env]}"+"_ls"
dsf = "#{node[:env]}"+"_ds"

dsTemplateBag = data_bag_item('configTemplates', "#{dsf}") 
lcTemplateBag = data_bag_item('configTemplates', "#{lsf}")

However on another test recipe I was able to successfully get the following working:

env = "test"

dsTemplateBag = data_bag_item('configTemplates', "#{env}")

I am quite new to Chef and please can someone advise me on how to get this working ?


After a little bit debugging I realised there was a typo preventing the data bag to be properly used; hence issue.

dsTemplateBag = data_bag_item('configTemplates', "#{node[:env]}_ls")

this worked for me. And as Tensibai suggested in the above comment mixing concatenation and interpolation is not a good practice (I was desperate to make it work! In my defense).

