<p:schedule> wrong timeFormat with PrimeFaces 5.0

不羁岁月 提交于 2019-12-11 09:41:16


I upgraded my PrimeFaces version 4.0 to 5.0 and now the timeFormat in my <p:schedule> is not correct.

In 4.0, each event in the calendar had this timeFormat : 3:00 - 5:00.

For this I have timeFormat="HH:mm{ - HH:mm}"

I don't change anything and then, with 5.0, I have 3:00 -.

Moreover the start date and end date are not corrects too. I have two hours less than expected.

Anyone else have this issues ?


I have just tried your timeFormat and it works for me! For set up correctly start date, just add to <p:schedule> this parameter:


Otherwise I suggest you to take a look to this answer: primefaces calendar wrong date entry

I hope this would be helpful to you.

