Cannot open Eclipse Marketplace Cannot install remote marketplace locations: Cannot resolve host

你。 提交于 2019-12-09 08:20:33


I am using eclipse Kepler version and trying to install Sonar plugin from Eclipse marketplace. But I am getting below error

Cannot open Eclipse Marketplace Cannot install remote marketplace locations: Cannot resolve host

This is most often caused by a problem with your internet connection. Please check your internet connection and retry. Unknown Host: Cannot resolve host

This is most often caused by a problem with your internet connection. Please check your internet connection and retry.

I tried below things as per solution suggested by some people.

  1. Go to Window-> Preferences -> General -> Network Connection. And change below settings Active Provider-> Manual-> and check---> HTTP, HTTPS and SOCS. After restarting eclipse still the problem persisted.
  2. I tried connecting to from Eclipse Internet Explorer and able to see google homepage
  3. Added line in eclipse.ini file -vmargs But still same issue

I am really frustated by this issue and couldn't find any help anywhere. If anyone has faced this issue and has an effective resolution, please assist.

Below is the snap of Proxy details


The solution is:

  1. Go to-Window->Preferences->General->Network Connections

  2. Choose "Active Provider" To "Direct"

  3. then click "apply" and then "ok".

It will Start Opening.


  • Go to: Window->Preferences->General->Network Connections
  • Choose "Active Provider" To "Native"
  • Click 'apply' and then 'Ok'

NOTE: I gone through all possibilities -* (Not Working) - change 'Active Provider' to 'Manual'/'Direct'(Not Working) - Disable Proxies entries/Bypass(Not Working)


Try to add the host like this:* in Proxy bypass.


Eclipse Oxygen version: Window->Preferences->network connections->default apply will reset the settings. restart eclipse and it should work


  1. Open command prompt (windows start button, type cmd in search)
  2. Click top left of command prompt, click properties, enable quick edit mode
  3. Copy: setx _JAVA_OPTIONS
  4. Right click on command prompt, should paste
  5. Hit enter. That easy!


I tried all the suggestions but no success for Eclipse Mars, Neo and Oxygen At last it worked for Eclipse Oxygen when I added following line to eclipse.ini file


I tried all the suggestions but no success for Eclipse Neon and Oxygen. At last it worked for Eclipse Neon when I added below line in Configuration Settings in eclipse folder.

Edit Configuration Settings in eclipse folder and add the below line and save it. It will work.


For me I solved the problem by those steps:

  1. Use the CNTLM proxy, which can be installed and run by following this GitHub readme file.

  2. Go to-Window->Preferences->General->Network Connections

  3. Click on an empty line and add a host and the same port that youn configured in CNTLM


Are you running behind a NTLM proxy? If so you might find help at this Thread

A bit hacky workaround would be to download the plugins manually and than add it via 'Add local update site'.


I had same issue. I solved it with following steps:

  • Window -> Preferences -> Secure Storage
  • Tab - Contents
  • Delete [Default Secure Storage]
  • Restart Eclipse

Don't worry - Storage will be re-created automatically.


I have tried all the possible suggestions given above but finally got answer for this : This may not be the right way to install the plugin but it worked for me and it served my purpose

Open the below URL :

Open eclipse and drag the plugin from the above url drop on eclipse [on top near header]

It will start downloading and eclipse will restart after successful installation.


I tried all the suggestion above with Eclipse Photon. None worked. Finally got the marketplace to open by installing Eclipse to a path with no white spaces.

