pass data from controller to existing view in sencha tocuh

三世轮回 提交于 2019-12-08 14:23:25

You said your getting data in panel's initialize method, So you can do this

initialize: function(){
       var data =;

Based on your comments, You can set data to the panel you setRecord.


Have a reference to the formPanel in your controller

config : {
        refs : {
            Profileinfo: 'profileinfo'

In ProfileInfo view

For selecting label i suggest you to give itemId to label like this

   itemId: 'member'

In your controller loadList function

If you have fields (textfield, selectfield, etc) inside formpanel,you can use setValues() for setting data as i done below.

But label is not a field so, you have to select it and then use setHtml() to set data

loadList:function(me, index, target, record, e, eOpts){

 Ext.Viewport.setActiveItem({ xtype:'profileinfo'});


 //As you posted in your question, I am assuming member label is child of Profileinfo


Most important

Properties or fields in the record should match name of the fields in the frompanel, Then only setValues() works.


If you have field like this in frompanel

   xtype: 'textfield',
   label: 'First Name',
   name: 'Firstname'

record.getData() should have Firstname property in it.

Update for setting data in panel with tpl

Lets say you have panel like this

Ext.define('MailApp.view.MessageDetails', {
    extend: 'Ext.Panel',
    xtype: 'messageDetails',   
    config: {
        items : [{
                 xtype: 'titlebar',
                 docked: 'top',
                 itemId: 'detailsTitle'
            xtype : 'panel',
            itemId : 'details',
            tpl : new Ext.Template(
            '<div class="details">',
            '<p>From : {from}</p>',
            '<p>Subject : {subject}</p>',
            '<p>Message : {message}</p>',                   

In your controller loadList function

loadList:function(me, index, target, record, e, eOpts){
 var data = record.getData();

 Ext.Viewport.setActiveItem({ xtype:'messageDetails'});

 // Don't forget to put refference to work this.getMessageDetails()




When you print console.log( you should have

Object {from: "Apple", subject: "welcome", message: "Apple welcomes you to mail app", detailsTitle: " Mail Deatils", id: "ext-record-1", xindex: 1}

I mean properties should match fields in the tpl.

This is what you can do to set data in panel's custom HTML using tpl.
