AutoCompleteDecorator is interrupting ItemListener

守給你的承諾、 提交于 2019-12-08 11:42:39


I have an editable JComboBox which is integrated with the AutoCompleteDecorator of SwingX library. My JComboBox is also having an ItemListener registered to it as well. Now, Please have a look at the below code.

ClientNameCombo.addItemListener(new ClientNameComboAction());

private class ClientNameComboAction implements ItemListener

        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) 
            String selectedClientName= ClientNameCombo.getSelectedItem().toString();

            if(!selectedClientName.equals("Select Client"))
                int idClient = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(client_name_id_map.get(selectedClientName)));

                String sql = "r";


No matter what, my code do not pass int idClient = Integer.parseInt(String.valueOf(client_name_id_map.get(selectedClientName))); it always ended up with NumberFormatException. The amazing thing is, if I remove AutoCompleteDecorator then everything works fine.

Anyone know how to fix this please?


The problem would occur when the key you are looking for is not found in the map.

In such case :

  • client_name_id_map.get(selectedClientName) would return null
  • String.valueOf(client_name_id_map.get(selectedClientName)) would return "null"
  • and Integer.parseInt("null") would throw an exception

A simple solution :

        if(!selectedClientName.equals("Select Client"))
            Integer idClient = client_name_id_map.get(selectedClientName);
            if (idClient != null) {
                // do something

            String sql = "r";

