Gaining authorization to modify Spotify playlists using spotipy for Python3

陌路散爱 提交于 2019-12-08 03:45:17


I'm currently attempting to use spotipy, a python3 module, to access and edit my personal Spotify premium account. I've followed the tutorial on using the util.prompt_for_user_token method by entering the necessary parameters directly (username, client ID, secret ID, scope and redirect uri). Everything seems to be fine up to this part. My code (fillers for username, client id and client secret for security reasons) :

It opens up my default web browser and redirects me to my redirect url with the code in it. At this point, I copy and paste the redirect url (as prompted) and hit enter. It returns the following error:


My redirect uri is '' for this specific example. However, I've tried multiple redirect uris but they all seem to produce the same error for me. (and yes, I did set my redirect uri as whitespace for my application). I've spent hours trying to fix this issue by looking at online tutorials, trying different redirect urls, changing my code but have yet to make any progress. I'm hoping I am just overlooking a simple mistake here! Any feedback on how to fix this is much appreciated!

If it matters: I'm using the IDE PyCharm.


I think it is your redirect URL - working for me with:

import os
import spotipy.util as util

# credentials
user = 'username'
desired_scope = 'playlist-modify-private'
id = os.environ.get('SPOT_CLIENT')
secret = os.environ.get('SPOT_SECRET')
uri = 'https://localhost'
token = util.prompt_for_user_token(username=user,

I think for your redirect url spotify requires the initial http(s) part - don't forget to add it to the white-list in your Spotify for Developers app too, as otherwise you will get 'invalid-redirect-uri'.

