How can I use PHP and JavaScript to make an image clickable, and increment a counter stored as a flat file?

柔情痞子 提交于 2019-12-06 18:18:24

Your best bet is to use the AJAX support in jQuery to access, but not load to the user, some kind of URL that writes the increment to the file. If you're using any kind of a thorough platform, you should consider doing in the with your database. However, it'd be simple enough to use jQuery's $.get() function to access the URL /increment_number.php?image=whatever.jpg. If you ever start using a database, you'd just have to change this script to perform a DB query. For your case, you'd have a simple script like this (which has been in no way optimized or has any security considerations whatsoever):

$image = $_GET['image'];
$number = file_get_contents('tracker_for_{$image}.txt');
if ($number != ''){
    $number = (int) $number + 1
$file = fopen('tracker_for_{$image}.txt', 'w');
fwrite($file, $number);

And just remember to have the following bit of JS on the page with the image:


I haven't tested this code so it might not work, but it's in the spirit of what you'd have to do.

Something simple like this won't work?

// Link to this file: <a href='onclick.php'><img src='yourimg'></a>
$count = file_get_contents("count.file");
$count += 1;
file_put_contents("count.file", $count);

// Possibly log an IP too? open a file
$f = fopen("ipaddresses.file", "a");
fwrite($f, $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] . "\n");

If you are doing this for a voting system like Stack Overflow, creating lots of files to store this one bit of information is going to become unwieldy. This is perfect for a database.

That way, you also wouldn't include the file, but perform a query to get the total score.
