Can I use a ShareThis/AddThis Button if my site's navigation relies on Hash tags in the url?

若如初见. 提交于 2019-12-06 15:28:46

Just replace the # with %23 (the URL encoded version of #) and you'll be fine. ;) I like to use the "remote" version of addthis :

The javascript button's share-url can be set manually for both services.

AddThis docs:

Excerpt from ShareThis doc's (

Define Your Sharable Objects:

Using the ShareThis API, it is easy to define the sharable objects. As an example, a website that sells products is able to define such detail as title, description, product image. When an item is shared, the recipient will be able to see all the details defined. Here is an example of code that could be used:

<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
        title:'Best Digital Camera',
        summary:'This digital camera has all the features one would ever need!',
        icon: ''
    }, {button:true} );