BLOB in MySQL view instead of the proper data

血红的双手。 提交于 2019-12-06 13:41:49

When you create a view with a UNION, you have to make sure the data types of the corresponding columns are the same (or at least, similar enough for one to be converted to the other). In the current case, the first column of the view is a publishers or a price_vat, and no data type definition apart from BLOB can make much sense of that.

If you really need this as a view, you could try...

SELECT e.price_vat AS price_vat, 
       NULL        AS publishers,
       'e'         AS type
    FROM ama_euromedia_products AS e;
     NULL         AS price_vat,
     k.publishers AS publishers, 
     'k'          AS type
     FROM ama_kosmas_products AS k;

to get a single data type into each column.
