Best way to check if value is integer ? Coldfusion 9

旧街凉风 提交于 2019-12-06 07:28:27

You could try this:

value = replace(value, ',', '', 'all');
numberIsInteger = isNumeric(value) && round(value) == value ? true : false;

Note People often include commas in large numbers such as 1,000,000. isNumeric will return false for that string, as will the refind function in the other answers.


// Returns if the provided value is a signed integer up to 32 Bit.
function isINT(any value) {

    return (
        isSimpleValue(ARGUMENTS.value) &&
        (reFind("^\-?[0-9]{1,10}$", ARGUMENTS.value) > 0) &&
        (ARGUMENTS.value <= 2147483647) &&
        (ARGUMENTS.value >= -2147483648)


<cffunction name="isINT" access="public" output="false" returnType="boolean"
    hint="Returns if the provided value is a signed integer up to 32 Bit.">

    <cfargument name="value" type="any" required="true">

    <cfreturn (
        isSimpleValue(ARGUMENTS.value) and
        (reFind("^\-?[0-9]{1,10}$", ARGUMENTS.value) gt 0) and
        (ARGUMENTS.value lte 2147483647) and
        (ARGUMENTS.value gte -2147483648)
  • isSimpleValue making sure the input is a primitive type (by CF means), because all numbers are considered simple values in CF (string conversion)
  • reFind regular expression checking digits-only (with or without sign), minimum of one digit, maximum of ten digits (implicit call of toString here)
  • check the range, all numeric types fit into 4 Bytes, thus no need to "upgrade" the type (as you would need to with BigInteger, BigDecimal etc.)

If you don't need the range check for 4 Byte integers, @DanBracuk posted an answer with a function that performs around 5-6 times faster than this one.

Here's the isInteger UDF that I prefer using:

function isInteger(num){
    return YesNoFormat(refind("^-?\d+$", num) AND VAL(num) LTE 2147483647 AND VAL(num) GTE -2147483648);

Here are some tests to determine how it functions and compares against the various built-in functions.

View the results using
