AutoHotkey causing control key to get stuck

我的未来我决定 提交于 2019-12-06 04:46:21


I have several situations when my control key gets stuck, and it happens only when I have AutoHotkey running. This happens with multiple different modifier keys (# (windows) key, ! (alt) key especially).

Similar problems have been posted several times before: 1, 2, 3. Some solutions exists, and the one suggested here partially helped me (decreased the frequency of the problem), but the control key still gets stuck occasionally. Things I have tried include #InstallKeybdHook.

I have two questions:

  1. Is it possible to prevent this problem?
  2. Is there a good way to have AutoHotkey fix this as soon as it happens?

I have tried everything suggested above, and created my own version of a StuckKeyUp function (as suggested here):

sleep 300 
send {<# up} 
send {># up} 
send {# up} 
send {+ up} 
send {<+ up} 
send {! up} 
send {<! up} 
send {>! up} 
send {^<^^>! up} 
send {^<^>! up} 
send {^ up} 
send {Ctrl down} 
send {Ctrl up}

Send {§ up}         
Send {Shift Up}
Send {LShift Up}
Send {RShift Up}
Send {Alt Up}
Send {LAlt Up}
Send {RAlt Up}
Send {Control Up}
Send {LControl Up}  
Send {<^ down}      
Send {<^ Up}        ; solves some issues, but not all
Send {>^ down}      
Send {>^ Up}        
Send {RControl Up}
Send {LControl Up}
Send {LWin Up}
Send {RWin Up}
sleep 100 
; reload, ; Avoid - Reloading AutoHotkey File causes functions depending on this function to break


Among other debugging methods you can try this:

Put this code at specific positions in your script (within hotkey definitions that send the control key or in a timer)

If GetKeyState("Ctrl")           ; If the OS believes the key to be in (logical state),
    If !GetKeyState("Ctrl","P")  ; but  the user isn't physically holding it down (physical state)
        Send {Blind}{Ctrl Up}
        MsgBox,,, Ctrl released

and look in the KeyHistory (after closing the message box) in which situations the key gets stuck.


While user3419297's answer is very good, I think the blind keyup call is not what fixes the problem.

It appears that the KeyHistory command causes the keys to be released.

When I used a version of user3419297's script without KeyHistory, it never worked for me. In contrast, invoking KeyHistory alone has been sufficient to resolve the problem for me every time it has occured.


I added #InstallKeybdHook and all was well. See below for details.

